Mr. Shipley's 6th Grade World History Class


Welcome students to Mr. Shipley's world history class. This year we are going to learn a lot of fun and exciting stuff about the  world and its rich history. This website is not a substitute for attending class. It is place for parents and students to get an idea as to what we are learning about at a particular time during the school. I will also post notes and some supplemental information throughout the year. Good Luck Students!


We are invested into ch 1-1 and 1-2. Students have started there first notebook on ch 1 "Early Humans". We will be adding vocabulary, questions and notes on ch 1-2 this week. Students will have a quiz on ch 1-2 on Monday Sept 13.

 Here are the notes for ch 1-1 we took in class:

Chapter 1-1


Tools of Discovery

Historians-study human history.

Archaeologist-search for evidence of history.

Look for artifacts and fossils

Anthropologists- study how humans developed.

Paleolithic Age

Old Stone

2.5 million to 8,000 B.C.

People were nomadic



Fire helped people survive the Ice Age(100,00 B.C-8,000 B.C.)

Developed spoken language.

Cave paintings

first to use technology

Stone age because people made weapons and tools out of stone.

Neolithic Age

New Stone Age

8,000 B.C-4,000 B.C.

Learned to domesticate animals

Farming Revolution

One of the most important inventions in history.

Settled Life

1st two settlements were Jericho(Israel) and Catal Huyuk(Turkey)

Created a Surplus of food

Developed Specializations

Started using copper to make tools and weapons(Bronze Age) 


Here are the notes for ch 1-2 Mesopotamia


Eastern Fertile Crescent

Between Tigres and Euphrates

“Land between the rivers”

good farmland, rivers for water and trade.

Organized Gov’t

Ancient Sumer

Southern Mesopotamia

Was a city-state

Believed in many different gods

power over nature (gods)

built Ziggurats (temples)

Priests were powerful

Sumer Social Classes

Top- Kings, Priests, Government officials

Middle- Merchants, Artisans, Farmers, Fisherman

Low- Enslaved people


1st written language

written on clay tablets

Scribes-record keepers

Oldest story- Epic of Gilgamesh

Sumerian Inventions


Wagon Wheel



60 second minute

60 minute hour

12 month calendar


2340 B.C.- Sargon ruled the Akkadians and took over Mesopotamia.

Sargon had 1st Empire

1800’s B.C.- Hammurabi led Babylonian Empire

Created Code of Hammurabi.


 10-4 to 10-8

 This week we will be finishing up ch 2-2 and starting 2-3 in Egypt. Students will have a quiz on Tuesday on ch 2-2. Below are note from last weeks classes.

 Ch 2-1 notes 

Ancient Egypt

Nile River Valley

Nile River-Longest in the World (4,000 Miles)

Parts into 2 rivers: Blue and White Nile.

2 seas border Egypt: Red sea and Mediterranean Sea

People used Nile for Trade and Transport

Egypt’s 4 Natural Barriers

North- Nile River Delta

South- Nile River Cataracts

East- Eastern Desert

West- Sahara Desert (Largest in World)

Helps Isolate and Protect Egypt

The River People

Flooding was predictable 

Called the rich soil deposit “Kemet” which means “the Black Land”

Papyrus reed plants from the Nile were used to make baskets, sandals, and river rafts

Papyrus was also the world’s 1st Paper for writing.

Ancient Hieroglyphics

Made up of hundreds of Picture Symbols

Symbols stood for objects, ideas, and sounds

Wrote on cave walls and Papyrus rolls

Only Scribes knew how to read and write Hieroglyphics.

United Egypt

Egypt was dived into two Kingdoms: Lower and Upper Egypt

King of Upper Egypt Narmer (Also called Menes) took control of Lower Egypt

Ruled from the city of Memphis

1st Dynasty in Egypt

Historians group Egypts Dynasty’s into 3 time periods: Old, Middle, New Kingdom

United Egypt

Wore a double crown to symbolize Unity in Egypt

White crown- helmet represented Upper Egypt

Red Crown- open crown represents Lower Egypt

Egypt’s Social Classes

Upper Class- Pharaoh

Small Upper Class- Priest and Nobles

Middle Class- Traders, Artisans, Shopkeepers, Scribes

Lower Middle- Farmers and Herders

Lowest class- Unskilled Workers

Family Life

Father was head of household

Women could own and pass on property

Women could buy and sell goods, make will’s, and obtain divorces.

Most Egyptian children didn’t go to school 

Ch 2-2 notes

Old Kingdom Rulers

Pharaoh’s Ruled over Egypt (Pharaoh means “Great House)

Pharaoh was all powerful ruler.

Egyptians believed the unity of the kingdom depended on a strong leader.

Thought Pharaoh was the son of Re(god)

Felt Pharaoh was a god on earth controlling Egypt’s welfare.

God’s and Goddesses

Worshiped many Deities (gods)

Believed Deities controlled nature and human activities.

Re- Sun god (Main god)

Hapi- god of the Nile River

Isis- goddess of loyal  loyal mother 

Isis and Osiris were married.

Osiris-god of Dead

Life after Death

Egpytian’s believed life in the next world would be better than life on earth.

Spirit would go on a long journey and eventually find peace.

“Book of the Dead”- collection of spells and prayers to help obtain life after death.

Osiris would judge spirit on whether they lived good lives and knew the spells.

Embalming and Mummy

First priests remove body organs and apply salt to body.

Next, they filled body with spices and perfumes.

Then, body was cleaned with oils and wrapped in long strips of linen (Mummy)

Lastly, the wrapped body was put in several coffins for protection.

Only Pharaoh’s bodies were preserved like this.

Through embalming, Egypt wrote world’s 1st medical book, fixed broken bones and cuts, treat illnesses.

The Pyramids

Tomb for Pharaoh’s

protected against floods, animals, grave robbers.

Held supplies a Pharaoh might need in the next world.

How was Pyramid Built

Took thousands of people and hundreds of years.

Built on a square base with entrance facing north.

Made advances in math to measure sides of pyramid (created a number system based on 10 and fractions)

Moved stone using manpower, a pully system, and wooden logs.

The Great Pyramid

Built around 2540 B.C.

3 pyramids built in the city of Giza

Great Pyramid built for King Khufu

500 feet tall

9 football fields wide

2 million stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons each.

48 stories tall (tallest building in world for 4,000 yrs)